Wednesday, March 23, 2011

From the Beginning

I guess the best place to start with any story is the begining.  I thought I had told my children how I met their father and how our romance grew, but I must have given them the Readers Digest version!  I will attempt to recall those events from ancient history that hopefully will help them as they seek their future mates.  This is actually going to be good for my husband and me to recall those events and feelings that drew us together.  It is always good to remember what sparked the fire that has lasted for 33 years! (wow! it doesn't seem that long) 

We met at the end of my senior year in high school and G was in college just finishing his sophomore year.  We lived in a very small town and there was never much for young people to do.  The night we met, I was on a date with another young man, my brother's best friend.  He was a great guy, but to me he was like another brother.  Our date was not going as he had hoped, so we rode through town to see who was there to talk with.  In this small town, every group of friends had their own corner where they met.  My date knew G and decided to stop by his corner to say hello.  I had never met G but I knew he was friends with my brother.  At this point of the night, I was not interested in talking to anyone; I just wanted to go home. When G came over to the car we were in, my date introduced me to G.  Now my date didn't use my name, he introduced me as D's sister. G's first words to me were, "So, you're Fortwright's sister".   Believe me that didn't impress me one bit!  I am one of 6 children and I have been know all my life as some one's sister. I do have a name and would love to be know by it, so both these guys were definitely off my radar by this time.  I didn't even notice what G looked like.  A week or so later, I got a phone call from someone named G asking me to go out with him.  He had so not impressed me that he had to remind me when we had met.  I had plans for that weekend so I told him I could not go out with him;  he asked if he could call and talk later.  Knowing he was a friend of my brother, I said yes.  When I told my brother who had called me, he was not pleased.  My brother had a policy of not allowing his friends to date his sister (and he was big enough to enforce it!).  His best friend had just ignored his rule and now G was doing the same thing.  At least that's what I thought was the source of his irritation.  I found out later that they, my brother and G, had some problems with each other in the past.  Well, G called later the next week and asked me out again.  This time, my parents had something for me to do so I could not go out on a date that weekend either.  So G said he would call again.  The third time he called, I was free and we went on our first date.  I later learned that he had a three strike rule.  He would ask a girl out for three times and if she said no all three times, he wouldn't ask again.  According to him, I almost missed getting to go on a date with him!  (silly engineering mind)

Our first date was in May after my high school graduation.  We went to the nearest city to dinner and a movie.  When he arrived, I asked my father to answer the door because I couldn't remember what he looked like! My bedroom was on the front of the house and I could watch as he went by to the living room.  I don't know what I was going to do if I didn't like the way he looked!  I don't know if he really remembered what I looked like either. (He says my beauty awed him, but I think that is just him yakking)  His car, as with most cars then, had a bench seat in the front seat. ( I think he bought it just so his date could sit beside him!)  I got in on his side and sat in the middle.  When he got in, he put his hand on my knee!!!  I was not amused and promptly removed his hand from my knee!  That didn't deter him, he just moved his arm to the seat behind me.   Well, that was just the beginning.  I hadn't been around anyone as forward as him, so I just kept my mouth shut.  The more he tried to get me to talk, the less I talked.  G doesn't give up easily, so he tried telling me the craziest things just to get a reaction out of me.  Little did he know he almost got the wrong reaction.  By the end of the date, he was telling me that the reflectors on the road were turned on and off by pygmies that lived in the ditches.  I sat there in silence trying to decide if I was with a crazy person or if he was just pulling my leg.  I wondered why in the world I had agreed to go out with him and how I was going to get back home!  I really didn't know whether I wanted to go anywhere with him or not ever again!  Fortunately for G, I decided I would give him another chance. G loves to tell people that we met on a street corner!  I have to quickly tell them that he was the one on the street because he conveniently leaves that out!                 

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