Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Challenge!

I have been issued a challenge by one of my daughters. In talking with her last night, she asked me to tell her how my husband and I came to the decision that we should get married.  She knows we wrote letters to each other while we were dating, but she hasn't read them.  I have always been a little hesitant to let my children read them because they are so personal (and I don't remember what all we said!).  I kept all the letters my husband sent me, but didn't realize he had kept mine until years after we were married.  That was exciting to me because it gives a more complete record of our "conversations".  We decided that I would write excerpts from those letters here and maybe an explaination of what we were thinking and decisions we were making at that time.  I have been asked by all my children how I knew their Daddy was "the right one", but I haven't been able to successfully answer their questions.  I am hoping that through the letters and narration on the part of my husband and I, it will help them find the answers they seek.  We certainly didn't do everything right, but maybe they can learn from our mistakes.  It will let them know how much their parents love each other and sought to make a home from that love for us all.  Let me know what you think of this idea!  Any feedback you give will certainly help!


  1. I'm really glad you decided to do this. Can't wait to see what comes next.

  2. This may be more enlightening for G and me than for you! I am learning things I didn't know!!!
