Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Brand New Year

I didn't realize how long it has been since I have posted an update!  Wow! here we are in another year already.  Things have been very busy around here.  We are trying to get our house in shape to put on the market.  Lots of painting, laying tile, sorting, cleaning and did I mention painting?   One of my sisters came back with me at Thanksgiving to help me get some of my painting done.  She stayed for two weeks and boy, did we work!  We got at least half of the house painted inside.  After she went back home, my husband took his Christmas vacation and we painted some more.  With the help of my wonderful children, we finished the outside painting.  I hope with all we are doing to improve the house, it will pay off in a quick sale.  I'm ready for a change of location.

Our Christmas was quite, and relaxed (if you don't count all the painting!).  All my children were home for most of their 3 weeks off.  I really enjoy having them home and I really miss them when they are gone.  I always thought I would have a hard time when they grew up, but I am coming to understand how hard it really is.  I am trying to step aside and let them live their lives without my interference, but it is like holding my breath.  You can only do it for so long before you have to do something!  I see and hear their struggles and try to wait until they come to me before I give my advise.  I also pray a lot more!  Maybe that is what I should be doing anyway, praying and not trying to take care of things myself.  It's just hard to sit by silent knowing what would make them happier and life a little easier!

This year with all the work we were doing on the house, I let the decorating for the season fall by the wayside.  I think this is the first year I have done so little to welcome the Christmas season.  All we put up was the Christmas tree~  I think though that we enjoyed each other's company even without the finery that is usually put out.  And that is the reason behind the season, to reflect and praise all the good gifts that God has given us. 

Well, puppies are out of their yard, and other work calls me.  I will do my best to post more often this year!  Happy New Year, ya'll!

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