Monday, November 8, 2010

Holidays are Coming!

It's been a while since I posted.  We have been busy here and at home.  My husband and his brother decided that it was time to settle their mother's estate.  I haven't had to do that before and didn't know how much work was involved!  My mother had her 80th birthday, and there were things to do at the house our kids live in.  We are also trying to get our house ready to put on the market.  Soooo....I haven't had much time to think about being alone!

Sorting my mother-in-laws house was a lot of work and very interesting.  The things that we chose to keep tell a story about our lives.  My in-laws were married a little over 50 years and in all that time, I don't think they threw away anything!  They were of the generation that survived the Great Depression and were sure they could find a use for anything they had, even if it was broken.  (Perhaps we should adopt the same attitude seeing how our economy is right now)  They lived in a time when letters were the main methods of keeping in contact.  We found many letters from family and friends from years gone by and from recent times too.  A handwritten letter is so wonderful to read.  The person writing it has to take time from their day, think about what to say, and write it all down in their own handwritting.  Then you have to put it in the mail, wait for it to get to the recepient, and then wait for a reply.    Old letters hold such fascinating threads of people's lives and the letters my mother-in-law's stash are no exception.  I have set up a blog to share these letters with the family and a few pictures that we need help in identifying.  The url is

One of my sisters reminded me a few months ago that it was our mother's 80th birthday this year.  Now I don't sit down to figure out how old everyone is, so this was a shock to me.  My mother does not look like she is 80 years old.  Nor does she act like she is 80!  She still works part time for a local lawyer.  They had a very nice reception for her and many of her family,friends and collegues came to wish her a happy birthday.  It was great to see so many people that I haven't seen since I was much younger.  It was also great to visit with family that I don't get to see very often and meet the ones I hadn't met yet.

The holidays are fast approaching.  Thanksgiving is almost here, and Christmas is around the corner.  I can't wait to spend some time with the kids.  I want to make this a special Christmas for us all.  No busy going here and there, just time with each other catching up.  I have some new ideas for decorating outdoors as a surprise for them.  If it all works out, I will put some pictures here. 

We are trying to finish all the painting and last minute details so we can get our house on the market in Jan.  I am so ready to move closer to my family.  Since we have been going back home so much lately, I have seen all the 'babies' of the family.  I so hate being so far away that I can't get to know all the kids of the family.  I would like to be close enough to go see them whenever I want.  I also would like to be in driving distance of my kids.  I want to talk to them more often than they want to talk to me.  They are at a stage that it isn't cool to tell Mom too much, she might not like what they are doing!  Well, hopefully it won't take too long to sell.

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