Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It seems in our life we spend a lot of time waiting.  We wait in doctor's offices, for children to finish a lesson or practice for a sport, to hear news from a loved one, or even sitting in traffic.  Our life seems to be spent waiting to see where my husband will be working.  His job involves a lot of travel to many different places in the United States and sometimes in other countries.  Sometimes the stress of all the waiting can get overwhelming.

This week the waiting, at least for the job, is over.  He got the "official" phone call yesterday about where his next assignment will be.  The relief on his face was immediate.  His mood lifted, and yes, he even had a skip in his step!  In this economy, so many are facing layoffs and the stress this puts on you is unbelievable.  We had thought he would get a new assignment, but so many he knew were not getting new position. Now the new problem is how to shift from the pay scale he was getting for his other assignment down to the pay scale he will get for this assignment.  I know God will see us though, and we will find ways to cut back.

Another thing we have been waiting for is to find out if my son has been accepted to the college of his choice.  Once again, God has seen us though the stresses of waiting and he got his "official" phone call!  He was very excited~not the jump up and down excited, but the quiet smile that never left his face kind of excited.  Now to find a way to pay for that college and to make it through the audition for the music school!  I think God will see us through that, also.

We are going to spend Easter with our girls!  I love going there because I get to see my girls, but I love the place they live in.  It isn't a fancy place, but the most down to earth place I have been.  Where I live currently, there is so much pretending and posing.  I prefer people to just be themselves, warts and all as the saying goes.  On our way there, we will stop at my neices home to see her new baby girl.  I can't believe that she has a baby, surely she isn't old enough to even be married, right?  Time has a way of passing so quickly!  I have only seen pictures of the baby, but she is so pretty.  I just can't wait to hold her.  I really miss not being able to get to know the newest members of the family, like I did when I lived closer.

So much in life is unpredictable.  Each step we take could land us in several different places.  If we knew exactly where life was taking us and how it would all play out, I think we wouldn't get any joy out of living.  It would be boring and uninteresting.  Maybe that is why God doesn't allow us to see too far into our future.  Maybe what is so exciting about life is the unpredictability!  It can be hard, but it can be also so rewarding.  Maybe all the waiting is good for us.  Could it be designed so that we anticipate the wonderful, rewarding, and growing joys and disappointments that God has for us just to keep life interesting for us?  Maybe!

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