Monday, March 8, 2010

Ups and downs of life

This was written in September 2009 and I am just getting around to posting it.  I decided that I would publish the posts that I had written so you could understand the events of our lives.

The last month has been quite a rollercoaster ride of emotions!  My husband has been on an assignment for work the last few years that has taken him to all points on the globe.  That means that I haven't seen him very often and when I did, it was for short periods of time.  Well. he came home a month ago in order to prepare for knee surgery on an old injury.  I knew that his "re-entry" into the family would take some time, it always does.  He has been living by himself with no one to answer to and I have been at home managing business, children, house, ranch, and life in general.  My feeling at first was total happiness.  No longer would I have to make decisions by myself.  I would have someone to take part of the burden of every day living.  But it became evident that he didn't know where to step in or where he should leave things to me, so he just didn't make any decisions at all.  It has been very frustrating working out the details of living together again after being married for so long.  We thought we had set a pattern a very long time ago!

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