Friday, August 28, 2009

My Reflections on My Life

I have been encouraged, yes even pushed, to join the 21st century and begin blogging.  "Journaling" has never been high on my list of things to do, but in order to keep up with my family and friends I have given in and started this blog to chronicle my life for all to see! 

I have found through my life there are many stages of transition we all go through.  Going from family home where everything was laid out for me to college where I made most of the decisions was the first transition.  From there, I found myself married and learning how to be a "wife".  Later, I became a mother and a whole new role opened up!  The transition I find myself in now is loosening my grip on "motherhood" and letting those that I have mothered for so long find their own transitions. 

None of these transitons are easy, and all take time and patience to find our center once again.  I am hopeful that this blog will help all who read it look to the One who is our center to make our transitions smooth.

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