Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas is here!

Wow! It has been 3 months since I last wrote a post.  So much has happened in the last 3 months.  My husband came back from his assignment to get a new knee.  He injured his knee playing football in high school and has always had trouble with it.  He has been waiting for new technology in the area of joint replacement to have his surgery done.  We have know for quite a few years that he would have to have a replacement, and the last year made it evident that he could wait no longer.   The surgery went well and he was home from the hospital in 3 days.  The recovery has been an interesting adventure!

I got a glimpse into the future when one of us has to take care of the other as we get older!  I didn't like the picture that was painted for me, but realize that I won't have a choice when the time comes.  It was hard to see my relatively young husband ( mid 50's) using a walker, having to have help bathing and dressing, and not able to get anything for himself.  It was an humbling experience for us both.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another first!

My youngest got his drivers license yesterday!  Today he took his "maiden voyage" to his new job about 20 miles away.  This being the third child that has become mobile, I wasn't too worried.  Until I heard the thunder.  It started to rain and didn't look like it would stop before it was time for him to leave.  Now, where we live it doesn't rain very often. In fact, we are in a severe drought.   So what are the chances that it would rain all afternoon, this afternoon?!  He made it there and back safely and like a good son, let me know by text that there was nothing to worry about. (except when the windshield wipers quit working!!!)

I am new to this letting go thing and not doing very well with it.  This time next year, all my chicks will be out of the nest.  I can't seem to come to grips with this idea.  I have for the last 24 years been totally immersed in all things children.  I gladly set aside my interests and devoted my energies to raising my children, and it has been worth every minute.  I love the young adults they have turned out to be.  But what now?  I have this last year with my son and I intend to make every minute count.  My girls are mostly on their own and I will continue to develop an adult relationship with them as they test their wings.  But I have to start making plans for next year when it will get very quiet here. 

My husband has been working away from home and will be coming home for good soon.  It will be great to have him back under foot and to get reacquainted with him.  He still has a few years until retirement (or when everyone gets out of college, whichever is first!)  So a quiet house will still be a problem. 

I was reading a friends blog today and it reminded me of the great blessings that God has given me.  This friend has 3 lovely children, one of which has a disability.  Her blog was about the fairness of life and it hit me that I do not have anything to complain about.  My life is very full and fulfilled.  So as I prepare myself to "loosen my grip" on my children, I think I will complain less and thank God more for all He has given me.

I suppose that there will be many more "firsts" in the next few years.  Instead of dreading them, I am going to look forward to them.  Who knows what fun I could find!

Friday, August 28, 2009

My Reflections on My Life

I have been encouraged, yes even pushed, to join the 21st century and begin blogging.  "Journaling" has never been high on my list of things to do, but in order to keep up with my family and friends I have given in and started this blog to chronicle my life for all to see! 

I have found through my life there are many stages of transition we all go through.  Going from family home where everything was laid out for me to college where I made most of the decisions was the first transition.  From there, I found myself married and learning how to be a "wife".  Later, I became a mother and a whole new role opened up!  The transition I find myself in now is loosening my grip on "motherhood" and letting those that I have mothered for so long find their own transitions. 

None of these transitons are easy, and all take time and patience to find our center once again.  I am hopeful that this blog will help all who read it look to the One who is our center to make our transitions smooth.